Thursday, November 08, 2012

TAL Quarterly Meeting

It's that time again! Families gather around the holidays and so does TAL.  Let's meet up, check in, and look forward.  

Non-members are encouraged to attend and learn more about what TAL can offer your company.

WHAT: TAL "quarterly" meeting
WHEN: Nov. 10, 11:30am - 1:00pm
WHERE: Walden Theatre, 1123 Payne Street, 40204

-Evaluate the effectiveness of the TAL Administrator position we created
-Begin discussion on Unified Auditions
-Open: your agenda items, updates, and

Brown Bag It (bring your own lunch) if you wish, and we'll bring some extra sweets and snacks too.

PLEASE RSVP to this e-mail address so we can be sure we have plenty of people coming.

*Gil Reyes wants to fill everyone in on the Slant Culture Theatre Fesitval and where it's going. It's the same time at Walden Theatre and they're offering a special deal for TAL folks: "buy-one-get-one coupon" for any level (single show, day pass, festival pass). Available at the meeting, so be sure to RSVP.

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